Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Is this all there is?

It's really, really damn hard to see how Obama can lose this one. Even if he loses the popular vote, it looks like he might win the electoral vote.

Yeah, the Democrats are going to love this.

But surely this won't help much in terms of political reform.

...Wait, what you say?

There are a fair number of people who look at our system and say it sucks. Sure Churchill said it, but I don't mean "Best one possible of all the democratic systems." Look at it! The 2008 election seems to have gone on longer than all of the India-Pakistan and the Israel v. Half of Arabia wars combined. I've been paying attention since 2005. Do you realize how stupid that is? I've been paying attention since Bush's reelection. That's like seeing Blair get reelected and hearing Labor and the Tories wonder who will follow.

Okay, that KIND of happened, but it's not like they tried to keep track of 20 different candidates!

And how about money? In the span of September, Obama raised the net worth of Mitt Romney: $150 million. That's got to be the GDP of more than a few countries! And GDP is how much they produce in a year.

Compare that to Canada, where the campaigns don't seem to drag on nearly as long or are nearly as expensive. Or France and Mexico, where campaigning longer than a set amount of time is actually illegal. Or Britain-

Wait, didn't they just go through a problematic cash-for-peerages scandal?...uh...

Well, how about the electoral vote? Few other countries work that way. And our Congress has made itself a laughingstock in the last 20 years, where a good number of them rely on lobbyists-


Well, at least their Prime Minister doesn't, uh...just watch

That guy is now the Prime Minister of Australia.

Okay, so their problems probably have nothing to do with First Past the Post or Proportional Representation systems. Still, our system can't be the best, right? With the end of our own election looming, it might be best to see if we can do any better than this.

Yeah, I'll show you guys ome systems, and it's rather important. After all, our choices are one half of the McCain-Feingold act on campaign finance reform and the other one is, allegedly, a progressive who believes in progress. So let's progress!

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