Monday, October 27, 2008


Hello World.

Yeah, first blog, shut up.

Anyway, I can't promise much. Thing is, though, I've been reading up on world affairs for quite some time. Of course I have an opinion. We all do. And we all want a way to explain it.

Well, I'm speaking out. How about you?

I mean hell, it's not like I'm talking about videogames.



So, for what's happening now:

1. Not much, relatively. Aside from a massive financial crisis I don't completely understand, which is pretty much the Most Important Thing Ever.

2., 7 days until the Most Important Election Ever Yet is over. too bad I started the blog after all the interesting parts.

You know, when McCain's election was dead. Like, three times.

The horror of Huckabee's victory. And don't forget milking the endorsement for all that it's worth!

Watching the slow descent of Bill Richardson, though his ads were fun.

Giuliani and the Lightning Bolt at the abortion question.

Edwards being transformed from 3rd place to ignored to laughingstock to just plain sad, if...uh, let's not talk about it.

Well, this has been the most entertaining election we've had in some time. Too bad that, in these last few weeks, it's turned into a predictable ending. Ah well!

8 days more, another day, another destiny...
On this never ending road to calvary...

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